Paused Sumo Deadlift
Leg | Barbell | Difficulty Hard

How To Perform Paused Sumo Deadlift
- Stand in front of the barbell with your toes facing out and spread your legs wider so your toes can nearly touch the weight plate.
- Pull back your hips until your thighs are level to the floor and hold the barbell with your arms a little narrower than your shoulders.
- While maintaining pressure on your abs, stretch your legs by giving strength to your hips.
- Maintain the posture of the barbell separated from the floor for two to three seconds.
- Complete your movement until your whole body is stretched enough, and then slowly move down the barbell to the floor in reverse order to return to the position in step 2.

See video for details.
How to Do a Paused Sumo Deadlift Correctly
Master the Perfect Paused Sumo Deadlift!
How to Do a Paused Sumo Deadlift Correctly
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