Paused Deadlift
Leg | Barbell | Difficulty Hard

How To Perform Paused Deadlift
- Place both feet slightly narrower than the shoulder-wide, and grip the barbell a little wider than the shoulders. Make sure the knees and arms do not overlap each other.
- While maintaining the upper body position, do not bend your back and lift the barbell as if you are pushing the ground with your feet.
- While keeping your abs tight, attach a barbell to your body when lifting it.
- Maintain the posture of the barbell separated from the floor for two to three seconds.
- Fully stretch your body and contract your glute.
- Lower barbell to floor and return to the starting position.

See video for details.
How to Do a Paused Deadlift Correctly
Master the Perfect Paused Deadlift!
How to Do a Paused Deadlift Correctly
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