Hang Snatch
Abs | Barbell | Difficulty Hard

How To Perform Hang Snatch
- This exercise is a pretty complicate exercise that can be the cause injury. Please consult a trainer who can guide this exercise before performing.
- Starting position: with your feet slightly wider than your hips, hold the barbell wide and let your arm straight.
- Stretching body to grabbing barbell: Extend your ankles, knees, and hips in the vertical direction of the ground, raise the barbell like throwing upward.
- Grab and Sit: With an explosive force of your lower body, jump from the ground and go down and take the barbell.
- Sit down and stand up: Lift up the barbell over your head and stretch all bent joints as you stand up.

See video for details.
How to Do a Hang Snatch Correctly
Master the Perfect Hang Snatch!
How to Do a Hang Snatch Correctly
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